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grin and bare it

A blog by Matthew Dicks

“Something Missing” making a name for itself

By Matthew Dicks | July 10, 2009

I found a few tidbits of good news regarding Something Missing as I surfed the web and combed through my email today: First, Something Missing was listed in Goodreads’ July newsletter under their Movers and Shakers…

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Group descriptors

By Matthew Dicks | July 9, 2009

A murder of crows. A pride of lions. A gaggle of geese. All great ways of describing a group of animals. I recently heard a new one I liked a lot: A gossip about women.…

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Literary love connections

By Matthew Dicks | July 8, 2009

The Guardian recently published a piece on Border’s new dating site for bibliophiles in the UK, which promises to bring together singletons based on their unique literary interests. “Unlike other dating services, Borders dating is…

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Book covers

By Matthew Dicks | July 7, 2009

Designer Chip Kidd posted a gallery of some of his favorite book covers since 2000. Some excellent choices. I’ve come to like the cover of Something Missing a lot as well, and I have heard…

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“Unexpectedly, Milo” – A synopsis

By Matthew Dicks | July 6, 2009

Since I posted about the sale of my next book, I’ve received several requests for a synopsis from booksellers, friends, relatives, and a few strangers. I adore my agent, Taryn, for many reasons, including her…

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Poor but happy

By Matthew Dicks | July 5, 2009

I spent the weekend at my in-laws’ home in the Berkshires, celebrating the Fourth of July. Joining us for dinner was Elysha’s grandmother, my daughter’s great-grandmother, who is 87 years old and sharp as a…

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Writer’s Digest article online

By Matthew Dicks | July 3, 2009

I posted about Jordan Rosenfeld’s feature on Something Missing and me in the July/August issue of Writer’s Digest a couple of weeks ago. The article has found its way to the web for anyone interested.

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Book deal!

By Matthew Dicks | July 2, 2009

Great news! Today, I’ve accepted an offer from Broadway, the publisher of Something Missing, for my second book, Unexpectedly, Milo. And happily, I can continue working with my editor, Melissa, even though she’s now working…

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Book clubs: A good use of my time? Or just plain fun?

By Matthew Dicks | July 1, 2009

As a first-time novelist, the publishing process is new to me, so I’m not quite sure what typical authors do to promote their books, communicate with readers, and make themselves available to the general public.…

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The Dark Tower: A must read

By Matthew Dicks | June 30, 2009

The Guardian recently charged its readers to “stop sneering at fantasy readers,” arguing that fantasy and science fiction should no longer be considered the realm of the geek, the dork, and the socially awkward. “The…

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