Fresh Voices 2010
I’ve spent the last two days in Chester, Vermont, at Misty Valley Books Fresh Voices 2010, a remarkable weekend-long event that showcases new authors to the community. Lynne and Bill…
I’ve spent the last two days in Chester, Vermont, at Misty Valley Books Fresh Voices 2010, a remarkable weekend-long event that showcases new authors to the community. Lynne and Bill…
I just realized that my cat, Owen, meows with question marks. Meow? Meow? Every time it’s a question. No wonder I find it so annoying.
This weekend, my wife and I will travel to Chester, Vermont, leaving our one-year-old daughter behind for the first time. I am appearing with five other first-time novelists at a…
Toby Lichtig writes in The Guardian about how all writers repeat themselves. That is, they seem to return to the same themes again and again. When I wrote Something Missing,…
I was in the gym last week, running nowhere on a treadmill when I noticed that the woman beside me was reading Something Missing. I was thrilled— one of the…
Can anyone explain to me why this graphic was chosen for McDonald's apple and cherry pie box?
Since publishing my first book last year, I have had the pleasure of getting to know many independent booksellers, and my appreciation and respect for the independent bookstore has only…
WIFE: Does anyone local want a perfectly good but sort of old-school crock pot? It works totally fine but was given to my husband by someone I really don't like,…
I recently posted about my wife’s many amazing qualities on the blog that I write to our daughter. I did not do so because I was currying favor. I simply…
I received a decanter at a recent Yankee swap. Apparently, it is used to keep water at the one’s bedside. Everyone at the party over fifty years of age identified…