Serious about sleep
Best thing about my daughter’s recent allergic reaction-ambulance ride escapade: Still worried about her as she slept, I agreed to set an alarm and check on her every hour. Still…
Best thing about my daughter’s recent allergic reaction-ambulance ride escapade: Still worried about her as she slept, I agreed to set an alarm and check on her every hour. Still…
My daughter took her first ride to the hospital in an ambulance today after having an allergic reaction to what we assume was peanuts. We determined that Clara is allergic…
Have you heard about this yet? It’s possibly one of the greatest inventions in the history of the world. I know what you’re thinking. It’s just a tennis racket. Right?…
My wife sent me these photos of my three-year old daughter and my three-week old son, and at first, my heart was warmed by the affection that they obviously have…
Behold the newly-revised Friendship Application (the original one was more than two years old and in serious need of an update). There have been instances over the past year or…
When my wife emerged from the store, this is what she found: Her car is the one on the left. Carrying our three-week old son in his car seat at…
Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend is on sale in Spain! A reader was kind enough to send me a photo of the cover today (I hadn’t seen it yet).
Last week I received an email from a frequent reader of my blog and a follower on Twitter who had just finished reading my new book (she lives overseas where…
My newborn son is in my lap, presumably happy as a clam while I tap away on my keyboard. I’m making serious progress, able to type with two hands for…