“The Other Mother” – A book birthday!

My book’s birthday is today!

My sixth novel and seventh book.

Those are crazy words. I still can’t believe it.

Not that long ago, I was hoping that someday, maybe, I might find a way to publish a book.

One book would’ve made my dreams come true. Seven seems ridiculous.

This book’s birthday will sadly be a little different given the raging, global pandemic. Typically my family and I would travel to a variety of local bookstores to experience the never-ending thrill of seeing my work on a bookstore shelf. We’d go to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, and then I’d return to one of those local bookstores to speak to friends and readers about my new book.

But given that we are adhering to all pandemic precautions, none of that can happen this time. Instead, I’ll be celebrating today by teaching my fifth grade students about fractions, gravity, and colonial America. Later, I’ll attend a faculty meeting (an outrage given the celebratory nature of the day), eat an early dinner at home, and speak to members of the BYU Marketing Lab via Zoom.

I might end the day by watching an episode of The Crown or working on my next book.

Real celebratory stuff. Thanks, global pandemic!

But on Saturday, January 16, we’ll be celebrating virtually from the comfort of our own home, perhaps with you! My completely free, very exciting online book launch extravaganza will take place at Saturday, January 16 at 7:00 PM EST if you’d like to join us. I’ll be telling stories about the writing of the book, Elysha and Clara will be singing a song while Elysha plays her ukulele, I’ll be interviewing my friend and colleague Erica Newfang, who is a character in the book, and my son, Charlie, to whom the book is dedicated. I’ll also answer questions and try to make folks laugh.

If you’d like to join us for this FREE event, register here: http://bit.ly/3i6pJEA

If you’d like a copy (or perhaps 12 copies) of “The Other Mother,” you can purchase one wherever you get books.

If you have a choice of retailer, may I suggest you choose a local, independent bookshop? Unlike large, online retailers, these smaller, indie bookshops can’t compensate for the loss of foot traffic during this pandemic by also selling toilet plungers, kitty litter, and hand cream. These are honest-to-goodness book lovers and book experts rely on the sale of books to remain in business, and these shops are incredibly important to their communities.

Click on their website. Give them a call. Or put on a mask and drop by for a visit. Send them your business whenever possible.

I hope you find the time to purchase, read, and enjoy the book in the coming days and weeks. Maybe recommend it to friends and leave a review online.

It would mean a lot.