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grin and bare it

A blog by Matthew Dicks

Proposed deletions from the canon

By Matthew Dicks | July 25, 2009

The Second Pass, an online publication devoted to reviews, essays, and blog posts about books, new and old, recently proposed ten novels that should be removed from the canon. Of the ten, I have read…

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First sentences, now with ultraviolent zombie mayhem!

By Matthew Dicks | July 23, 2009

Back in March, I wrote about the first sentences in books. I’m expanding on that post a bit here as the topic has recently been tickling my brain cells again: I like the first sentence of…

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Tool of the trade

By Matthew Dicks | July 22, 2009

Since I spend a good portion of my day on a keyboard, its design is important, especially the specific placement of the keys. I have five laptops in my home right now: three that I…

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More praise

By Matthew Dicks | July 21, 2009

Another anonymous friend sent along a couple of positive reviews of Something Missing from readers on Appreciated as always!

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To write or to revise?

By Matthew Dicks | July 21, 2009

My manuscript for Unexpectedly, Milo arrived in the mail today along with a letter from my editor, Melissa, detailing her suggestions for edits and revisions. Some are broad abe difficult to manage, while others are…

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News on “Something Missing”

By Matthew Dicks | July 20, 2009

My author’s website, where you can access this blog, will be up shortly, but until then, here’s the latest news about Something Missing. First, a few appearances at local, independent bookstores and libraries have been…

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Front page day

By Matthew Dicks | July 19, 2009

It’s been quite a day. The Hartford Courant ran an article about Something Missing and my life story on the front cover of today’s paper, above the fold, and alongside stories about the death of…

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Amazon sales ranking

By Matthew Dicks | July 18, 2009

My wife found an article that tries to explain the inexplicable means by which the Amazon sales rankings are calculated. Confused? Me too.

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Is “Something Missing” a bestseller yet?

By Matthew Dicks | July 18, 2009

Many people, friends, and strangers, via email, Facebook, Twitter, and in person, have asked me how the book is doing in the bookstores. Unsure myself, I asked my editor, who explained that it could take…

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My favorite words

By Matthew Dicks | July 18, 2009

Inspired by the Guardian’s piece of words that poets hate, I posted my list of words, along with my wife’s least favorite word: Moist She’s not alone. According to a follow-up piece asking for the…

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