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This is my daughter, wearing my wife’s hat and exceedingly pleased about it. It’s official. I’d like to to freeze her age. I’m sure that I’ll enjoy subsequent years a great deal, but if given the choice, I’d be all-in for two years, one month and three days.

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Which honk is the right honk?

The traffic light changes to green. The car in front of me does not move. I’m not angry or even annoyed. This can happen to anybody.  I just want him to move. I want to give him a friendly beep. I say that a quick double beep is in order. Others (including my wife) say…

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My stock tip of the day

I don’t watch the Oscars, and I very much wanted a Twitter application last night that would block any tweet containing the word Oscar, but it’s worth noting that although I did not watch, I was almost certain of who the winners would be before the show even started. For the second year in a…

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A literary reference fifteen years in the making

In 1997 I took an English class that featured the writing of Anne Askew, a sixteenth century English poet who was persecuted as a heretic. She is the only woman on record to have been tortured in the Tower of London before being burnt at the stake. The class was quite difficult. The text was…

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Sexist pig ladies

Madeline Albright on being a female Secretary of State and a diplomat: “There is a great advantage to being a woman.  I think we are better at personal relationships and have the ability to tell it like it is when necessary.” Sarah Palin on her possible Presidential run: “Nobody is more qualified really to multitasking…

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My future poetry collection begins here

I’m thinking of assembling the poems that I have written over the years into a collection that my agent can then sell for millions of dollars because poetry is super popular and exceptionally profitable and super sexy. Sounds good.  Right? As I begin the process, I thought I’d post a few of the poems here…

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Temper your parental and marital advice based upon the bell curve

My friend, Tom, watched this TED Talk and thought of me. The talk centers on what the Rufus Griscom and Alisa Volkman call “the four taboos of parenting.” One deals with the propensity of women to avoid speaking about their miscarriages. With no experience in this realm, I will refrain from commenting on this one.…

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Imperfect beauty

The photo is unfocused, grainy, poorly framed, and poorly lit, but I think that might make it better than if it had been done well. I love this photograph of my daughter.  I see utter joy in its imperfection. 

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Talk to your kids

There is a lot of fascinating information in this ten-minute TED Talk related to speech development and the way in which babies acquire language, but the piece that I thought was most compelling (and glossed over to a certain extent) was the evidence supporting the importance of talking to your child. The research demonstrates that…

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