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My daughter’s editorial proclivities bring me such joy for one special reason.

One of the unexpected joys of parenthood is discovering that your child does something that you have done in the past, without any prompting on your part.  Recently, I’ve noticed that my daughter, Clara, changes the names of the people in the problems that her teacher assigns to her own name.  I did the exact…

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This might be the worst deal in baseball history. Or at least the most ridiculous.

On the eve of game three of the World Series (in which the Royals lead the Mets two games to none, I wanted to highlight this incredible bit of information that was included in ESPN’s 20 Worst Dead Money Deals of All Time.  Though there are deals that cost teams more, this deal seems especially…

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Hindsight is rarely 20/20, so stop saying otherwise.

We need to stop saying that hindsight is 20/20. If this were true: My friend from high school wouldn’t have married a seemingly endless string of deadbeats. The United States military wouldn’t continue to invade nations in the Middle East hoping to affect meaningful and productive change. Poker players wouldn’t continue to play ace-queen like…

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We encourage children to seek truth and knowledge in this world except when it comes to this.

A friend of mine posted this to Twitter a while back. If any religion was real, we’d set kids loose in search of truth rather than trying to indoctrinate them into any “faith”. As a reluctant atheist who wants to believe in a much more benevolent God than the one portrayed in the Bible, I…

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Verbal sparring: “A bad day” is not an excuse to behave badly.

You don’t get to treat people poorly because you’re having “a bad day.” A bad day may cause you to be more emotional or temperamental than normal, but it doesn’t mean that you’re allowed to be rude, disrespectful, deceitful, unprofessional, mean, or abusive. That is not a thing. In fact, one of the best ways to…

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3 petty bits of nonsense that should never bother you (unless you are equally petty)

1. Friends or relatives who name their baby the same name or a similar name as your child You don’t own the name.You didn’t invent the name.The name is not a reflection of you (even if you’d like to think otherwise).Most important, the kid will never give a damn if someone else shares his or…

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Music is not the most important part of my job as a wedding DJ.

Last night I wrapped up my 19th year as a wedding DJ. When we first launched the business back in 1997, I thought that music was going to be the most important part of my job. Learning to mix songs together with great precision and playing just the right song at just the right moment…

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My daughter betrayed me. I’ll say it doesn’t hurt, but truthfully, it hurts a lot.

My daughter – who is in first grade – told her friends at school that I was a DJ. Her friends, most sensibly, were impressed. They made the motion that DJ’s make when scratching records and asked, “Does he do wiki-wiki?”  “What’d you say?” I asked. “I told them that you weren’t that cool.” Then…

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