Pleasure in another person’s pain
From time to time, I have expressed an occasional appreciation for schadenfreude: pleasure in the misfortune of others. It turns out that I am not so unusual. after all Thanks…
From time to time, I have expressed an occasional appreciation for schadenfreude: pleasure in the misfortune of others. It turns out that I am not so unusual. after all Thanks…
Occasionally I make the mistake of thinking about my friends’ needs ahead of my own. Rarely does it work out well. About a month ago, I suggested that my friend…
I watched the Project Runway season premier last night. I realize that this may sound odd coming from a man who professes to despise the fashion industry, but I find…
Just a few days before the release of UNEXPECTEDLY, MILO and some good news has been pouring in. The Hartford Courant’s review of the book was excellent: We are happy…
A reader recently sent me an email explaining that she has not yet posted a comment on my blog even though she has wanted to many, many times because she…
I was sitting in Red Robin yesterday, waiting for my wife to arrive. Beside me, spread across two tables that had been pushed apart, was the cartoon map of a…
Here’s how crazy my writing process can be: I open the next chapter of my manuscript in a restaurant. Protagonist, father and son sitting at a table, waiting for their…
I saw a woman in the gym today with a tee-shirt that read: A friend will help you move… Then on the back of the tee-shirt, it read: But a…
I received the following email (links added by me) from a reader this morning, who gave me permission to post it here absent his or her name: _____________________________________ Your post entitled…
The fact that I cannot walk into a restaurant full of empty tables and simply choose the table that I want baffles me. I understand that when the joint is…