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grin and bare it

A blog by Matthew Dicks

Linguistic complaints

By Matthew Dicks | March 26, 2010

Admit it. I say that someone is nearsighted, and you automatically think that the person cannot see things up close. Then, after a few seconds, you remember that you must force yourself to think counter-intuitively…

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Feeling better about myself

By Matthew Dicks | March 26, 2010

In reference to the aged audience of CBS’s Survivor, a television critic on Bill Simmon’s podcast said, “The only people watching a show that runs as long as Survivor are old people.  Young people move…

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The Ethicist: Golfing allowed on day two?

By Matthew Dicks | March 25, 2010

My friend Tom asked me to address the following question as part of my new role as The Ethicist: THE QUESTION: Is it okay to go golfing while your wife is in the hospital the…

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Does this mean I can get into Heaven?

By Matthew Dicks | March 25, 2010

Today I was told by a man that although he knew that I did not believe in God, he still thought that I was a good Christian. I’m not sure how that squares with his…

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Rules of a gun fight

By Matthew Dicks | March 25, 2010

I’m not exactly a gun fan, but this website, which lists the rules of a gunfight, is simply genius.  Funny, clever, and loaded with the truth. A few of my favorite rules include: Forget about…

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Deprived youth

By Matthew Dicks | March 24, 2010

I was speaking to a group of Newington High School students yesterday about writing.  In attempting to explain the importance of twisting stereotypes and giving the reader the unexpected, I used the example of Hannibal…

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Dregs of the Earth in my baby book

By Matthew Dicks | March 24, 2010

With the birth of my daughter, I’ve recently spent some time flipping through my baby book. It’s been quite enlightening. The best part about the baby book is that it is written by my mother,…

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Peeing your pants with aplomb

By Matthew Dicks | March 24, 2010

Racing through the pharmacy this morning in search of batteries, I passed through the feminine hygiene products aisle, and while there, I couldn’t help but notice that there is a brand of bladder-control pads named…

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By Matthew Dicks | March 23, 2010

I was lamenting the fact that bassists don’t get solos tonight when my wife said, “Les Claypool from Primus solos. And Flea from The Red Hot Chili Peppers, too.” There are times when I think…

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A more original and meaningful approach to greeting cards

By Matthew Dicks | March 22, 2010

I was recently told about a new trend in greeting card giving: Signing the cards with a post-it note. When you find a card to which you are particularly fond, you affix a post-it to…

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