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John Oliver is going to be so happy to hear this.

Two weeks ago, John Oliver launched into an expletive-filled rant about the city of Danbury on his HBO show “Last Week Tonight.” It was part of a piece in which Oliver explored the racial disparities in the jury selection process, citing problems in a few Connecticut towns.

Danbury’s problems weren’t especially egregious. He mostly attacked Danbury for comedic effect.

Danbury city officials responded this week by by naming the local sewage treatment plant after him. Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton announced the decision move in a video posted on his Facebook page.

“We are going to rename it the John Oliver Memorial Sewer Plant,” the Republican mayor said. “Why? Because it’s full of crap just like you, John.”

I suspect that Danbury was also going for comedic effect. While the criticism likely stung, the decision to rename the sewer plant seems very tongue-in-cheek. Still, they’re doing it. The John Oliver Memorial Sewer Plant is a reality.

Here’s the thing, though:

John Oliver is going to love this. Having a sewer treatment plant named after him is going to make him so happy. Danbury city officials may have been attempting to be funny in their response, but all they really did was make John Oliver very happy and provide him with fodder for future segments on his show.

He’s so lucky.

Also, I’m jealous. I would love to annoy a city enough for them to name their sewer treatment facility after me. Or their town dump. Or even their local Super Fund site.

I’d even be happy if they named the room in their dog pound where they euthanize unwanted puppies after me.

Any of these things would be hilarious and wonderful. I’m sure John Oliver would agree.

Sadly, I’m not sure if I have enough of a platform to annoy an entire town.

But if I did, it would be New Bedford, Massachusetts.


New Bedford, otherwise known as the Whaling City, is famous for having the oldest, continuously operating jail in the United States. The town also hosts an annual marathon reading of Moby Dick.

I hate New Bedford because they were our chief marching band rival back in high school.

What a terrible city. Horrendous, really.

They also have a solid waste treatment plant in need of a name.