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Resolution Update: March 2011

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here.
Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

I lost the eight pounds that I put on during my trip to Florida, so I’m back to even.

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15 (adjusted from an original target of my birthday).

Looking good.

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

Done!  I had fourteen bowls of oatmeal in the month of March, including at least three each week.

4.  Try liver.

Not yet.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Not yet.

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

Not since they rejected my last pitch.  Grrr…

7.  Complete the rock opera.

The full draft is complete!  Revision still required, but the actual opera is finished.

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.

One down!  I read GAME CHANGE during the month of February, and I began THE BIG SHORT: INSIDE THE DOOMSDAY MACHINE today.

9.  Organize my basement.

Summer project.

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.

Post-novel project.

11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet.

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

I saw Alice in Wonderland and Crazy Heart this month, bringing the yearly total to five.

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Nothing to report.

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Nothing to report.

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I remain about a quarter of the way to a mortgage payment.

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.
