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Some important election facts for your good hearted fool

If you have a good hearted fool in your life who has somehow bought into the nonsense that this election is being stolen, here are some cold, hard facts that you might offer to save the person from their own stupidity:

  1. Trump claimed that Republican poll watchers were not permitted in voting centers in Pennsylvania, but Trump’s own lawyers acknowledged in court on Thursday and Friday to federal judges that an equal number of Republican poll watchers had been permitted in every voting center. The self-described sex offender in the White House says one thing, but his lawyers in court are saying another.In other words, he’s lying.
  2. The margin between Biden and Trump votes in Pennsylvania at this moment is already larger than the margin between Trump and Clinton in 2016. The election is close, but the 2016 election was even closer, yet Clinton acted like a patriot and conceded when the evidence was clear that she was going to lose.
  3. If you think that mail-in voting is problematic in any way, you are problematic. SEVENTEEN states, including Florida and Arizona, have been accepting mail-in ballots without cause or reason for years. This is a legitimate way to vote in many places in this country, and given the fact that the pandemic is killing more than 1,000 Americans a day and infecting more than 100,000 more – numbers higher than ever before – the thought that anyone should’ve been required to stand in line to vote is disgusting, inhumane, cruel, and stupid. Trump himself said that mail-in voting was perfectly fine in Florida because polling showed that the majority of mail-in voting in that state would favor him. He approves of mail-in voting when it favors him but disapproves when it enfranchises Americans.
  4. The reason the counting of ballots is taking so long in these final states is because Republican legislatures in these states did not allow poll workers to open and prepare mail-in votes before Election Day. States like Florida and Michigan, which allowed poll workers to open and process ballots upon receiving them, finished their counts quickly and efficiently even though they also received millions of mail-in votes. Republicans wanted to slow down the counting process so a claim could later be made that the election is being stolen, and good hearted fools were naturally duped, probably because they listen to a single news source or live with an idiot who tells them idiotic things.
  5. Votes in the 2016 election were still being counted into December, as well as recounts in four states. This is a normal thing. Votes from service members and Americans living abroad, plus provisional ballots, are always being counted long after Election Day. Recounts are automatically triggered when the margins are narrow. All of this took place in 2016. What is not normal is a candidate refusing to concede and bring the nation back together after it is clear that he or she has lost. Even though votes are still being counted for more than a month after a President-elect is determined, it does not mean that something is wrong with the election.

My hope for you is that if you have a good hearted fool in your family, they will find the truth amidst Donald Trump’s lies. Perhaps they will hear the growing number of Republican elected officials who are condemning his lies and trying like hell to make him understand what needs to be done. Maybe they will switch to alternative news sources and begin to listen and watch more critically. Perhaps they will tell their Trump-loving parent or spouse or friend to shut the hell up.

Sadly, I suspect that the number of good hearted fools in our country is small. I suspect that most of the Americans who are contesting this election are Trump supporters who support a man who paid hush money to a porn star to keep her silent about their affair while his wife was pregnant. Supporting a man who is no longer legally allowed to operate a charity because he stole money for personal use from his own charity. Supporting a man who was forced to settle for millions of dollars after defrauding Americans at his fake university. Supporting a man who separates families on the border, locks small children in cages, and loses their parents forever.

Sadly, I think most of these people are not good hearted at all. I think they probably care about the size of their bank accounts, their access to military-grade weapons, or their desire for white people to maintain power in America.

For these things, they will betray their nation and undermine its democratic ideals.

I honestly don’t know what to do with these people.

But if there is a good hearted fool in your life, present a few irrefutable facts, like the ones above, will help.