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Jesus would not like these Christians

Last week, the Washington Post reported on a Christian school in Kentucky that expelled fifteen year-old Kayla Kenney after she posed with rainbow birthday cake for her birthday.

Apparently, this photo was too much for the religious bigots who forbid gay people from learning stuff in their school and loving whoever they want and even existing and stuff.

In fairness, Whitefield Academy (which already sounds racist) claims that this display of rainbow confectionery was the last straw in a series of incidents, which might be true, but still, a rainbow cake was perceived as egregious enough to constitute the last straw?

The rainbow cake should be no straw.

The rainbow cake should instead be a delicious treat, designed to celebrate a teenager’s birthday, and perhaps serving as an expression of love and support for people whose lives are made difficult by the likes of her stupid English teacher, hateful band director, and ignorant Algebra tutor, all of whom work for this bigoted, ignorant, intolerant institution.

Maybe she was standing in sugary opposition to the students in her school who undoubtedly express hatred about boys kissing other boys’ lips and girls touching other girls’ boobs.

Oddly, it doesn’t even appear that the young lady is gay. She may have only been expressing her love and support for people who are discriminated against by at least some of her teachers, school administrators, and fellow students.

It’s also possible that she simply likes rainbows.

Either way, all of this was too much for the administrators of this Christian school, so they decided to upend her life, remove her from her friends, and send her packing.

It’s the strangest thing:

These bigoted Christians who can’t abide the existence of anyone in the LGBTQ community seem to know absolutely nothing about Jesus. They hang their anti-gay bigotry on a book of the Old Testament that also forbids working on Sunday under penalty of death as well as the intermingling of cotton blends.


They seem to completely and conveniently ignore the appearance of Jesus on the scene in the New Testament and his instance to love thy neighbor, turn the other cheek, judge not lest ye be judged, and basically love everyone, goddamn it.

These people somehow think that if Jesus was running their school, he would also kick this fifteen year-old girl to the curb.

I may not believe in God, but I’ve read The Bible from cover to cover three times, and I’ve read the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John many more times than that. I can assure you that there is no way Jesus would kick this rainbow-loving girl out of the school.

There’s also no way that we would condemn the LGBTQ community.

I suspect that if Jesus returned to Earth today, he would instantly and somehow nonviolently kick the asses of every bigot who has made the life of any member of the LGBTQ community difficult in any way.

As a reluctant atheist, I hope that comes to pass. While I’m not a fan of the vengeful, wrathful God of the Old Testament, I would have no problem with the Jesus of the New Testament returning to the Earth and straightening out these bigots and hate-mongers.

It’s so odd that the people who act the least like Christians are the super Christians. The ones with biggest churches and prettiest schools and lots and lots of hatred and bigotry and condemnation for people unlike themselves.