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Even the Superman of the 1950’s would’ve despised Trumpism

When some Tucker Carlson supplicant or Fox News sycophant starts complaining about the dangers of political correctness in today’s world, please show them this Superman poster from the 1950’s and remind them that decency, respect, kindness, and inclusion are nothing new.

They’re been around for a long, long time.

Electing a racist President who brags about sexual assault, mocks the disabled, and attacks Gold Star families and war heroes.

That’s new.

Electing a person to the House of Representatives who believes that the California wildfires were deliberately set by Jewish space lasers and claims that school shootings that results in the death of children and teachers were false flag operations.

That’s new.

Attacking the Capitol and attempting to murder lawmakers in the name of a President who endlessly lied about a stolen election after failing to present any tangible evidence and going 0-60 in the courts.

That’s new.

Decency, respect, and First Amendment rights have been around for a long, long time, regardless of what the craven ghouls at Fox News and other conservative media outlets might claim when they whine about political correctness and blacklisting.

America is made up of many different races, religions, and national origins, and all deserve fair and equal treatment under the law.

This is nothing new.

Also, look at Superman’s right hand.

A little creepy. Right?