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A sink?

It took me way too long to solve this crossword puzzle because of the ridiculous clue for 1-across:

“A place to put dishes”

Thie sink?

Dishes are not “put” in the sink.

Dishes can be washed in a sink. Rinsed in a sink. Even scrubbed in a sink.

But “put” in a sink? No. Only savages put dishes in sinks.

Dishes are put in dishwashers. Drying racks. Cabinets. Cupboards. If they are made of paper, dishes can even be placed in the garbage can.

But the sink?

Putting a dirty dish in a sink is an act of madness. A declaration that filth is perfectly acceptable if temporarily placed within a stainless steel or composite shell. As if the promise of future scrubbing somehow mitigates the savagery of leaving a soiled dish just sitting in the same room where you prepare food and eat.

Wash the dish, damn it. We are not living in end times.

I entered “rack” for 1-across and spent the majority of the time on this puzzle trying to imagine where else a dish might be reasonable put before finally realizing what the puzzle-maker was thinking.

The sink? A place to put your dishes?

This crossword was clearly designed by a savage.