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Judgmental wrapping jerkface

I do not wrap gifts well. Part of my problem relates to a lack of skill, but I also don’t value the wrapping of gifts all that much and designate time accordingly.

Growing up, most gifts in my home were wrapped in newspaper, and if we were lucky, the color version of the Sunday comics. Perhaps my lack of interest began then.

However, I was intrigued when I saw this video on ways to wrap challenging gifts, because I struggle with this from time to time.

Then I actually watched the video and was supremely annoyed.


Within the first minute, the wrapping expert made the following statements:

Upon being shown a less than ideally wrapped gift and asked how she would feel had she received the gift, she said, “I would feel like you didn’t take much time and effort in the wrapping of it, and I would be disappointed.”

Disappointed? I’m giving you a gift, but because I failed to use ribbon or wrap it in the preferred method, you are going to be disappointed?

Then I’ll just keep the damn gift and give it to someone who does not allow the wrapping to get in the way of the sentiment.

She then adds that a less than ideal wrapping job “devalues the presentation, which sometimes devalues the gift.”

Seriously? If I wrap your gift poorly, you may no longer value the gift as much. Once again, I just wouldn’t give this woman a gift. Ever. What the hell happened to “It’s the thought that counts.”

This wrapping expert would have you believe that “It’s the thought that counts, as long as the merchandise is wrapped well.”

Finally, when presented with a wine bottle wrapped in traditional wrapping paper, she say, “It would be embarrassing to give or to get, I think.”

No, lady. I think you should be embarrassed for believing that a substandard wrapping job would embarrassing any rational giver or receiver. The last thing any sane person is doing when receiving a gift is evaluating the quality of the wrapping. 

Her suggestion for wrapping a bottle of wine is a product called the Wine’O, which appears to be little more than a version of the tall, brown paper bag that you receive at a liquor store when purchasing a bottle of wine.

The wrapping expert declares the Wine’O classy.

The Wine’O is so not classy.