The lifespan of “Leaving on a Jet Plan”
Making stuff is a circuitous and oftentimes unpredictable route. Doing the work, every day, again and again, when the outcome is uncertain and unknowable and seemingly impossible, is most important.…
Making stuff is a circuitous and oftentimes unpredictable route. Doing the work, every day, again and again, when the outcome is uncertain and unknowable and seemingly impossible, is most important.…
My fellow teachers: I would like to humbly suggest that given the massive teacher shortages that school districts are experiencing around the country, we must recognize that our value to…
Earlier this year, a man reached to shake my hand after I congratulated him on winning a storytelling competition. As his hand clasped mine, he squeezed much harder than was…
Elysha and I were discussing marriages wherein one spouse takes a sudden turn towards the ultra-orthodox version of their religion, oftentimes attempting to impose new rules and patriarchal gender roles…
I was speaking to someone who told me that he was "too old" for the changes in the way we use pronouns to treat people respectfully. I felt bad for…
More than a decade ago, a reader accused me of being materialistic after I wrote about my lack of a favorite number, specifically criticizing me for saying that when it…
Sometimes I stare at these photos of Charlie, cracking up during a game of cards, and remind myself that I should constantly, relentlessly, incessantly be seeking this level of joy…
Clara started reading a new book today. The first page contained an epigraph. She read it aloud: "You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in…
I agree wholeheartedly with Truth Potato. A little bit of progress, made each day, amounts to something enormous over time. This is known as incrementalism. I wrote about it in…
Back in 2009, Domino’s Pizza's new president, Patrick Doyle, publicly announced in a commercial that his pizza sucked. He acknowledged that the Domino’s pizza of old simply was not very…