Time wasters of the past

I’m currently working on publicity for my next book:

Someday is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life

Available in bookstores everywhere on June 7, 2o22.

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I’ve been thinking about all the things that have hindered my creative life, so I made a list of my life’s most regrettable time wasters, in hopes of avoiding as many future time wasters as possible.

Happily, this list does not include obvious stupidity such as Farmville, Candy Crush, or color coding for the sake of color coding.

Still, I have regrets.

My list of time wasters of the past:

  1. Fantasy sports
  2. Commercial television
  3. My commute to and from work from the ages of 16-25
  4. Meaningless college assignments
  5. Sheila Mangano
  6. Unnecessary and poorly planned meetings
  7. Ineffective, utterly forgettable training sessions

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