Great advice that I have always followed

I agree with both of these suggestions with equal ferocity.

I’ve always felt so sorry for people who refuse to dance. As a wedding DJ, I’ve met many grooms, a handful of brides, and thousands of guests who don’t dance. In each case, I wanted to shake them from their stupor. I wanted to scream, “No one cares if you dance well! No one will remember how you danced! They will only remember that you didn’t dance!”

I can’t imagine living a life absent the joy of dance.

If you can find the courage to dance like no one is watching, even better.

As for my email, you’d find it quite business-like and boring. I’ve always despised email drama and animus. If you’re angry, upset, or disappointed with someone, pick up the damn phone or speak to the person face-to-face. In just the past six months, I’ve responded to someone’s written complaint with a phone call or in-person meeting at least three times.

It went well every time.

Not only is it the right thing to do, but it’s the strategic move, too. It is rare for someone to be as biting, insulting, or cruel in person as they can be via written communication.

The only time this rule does not apply is when your attempts to garner the attention of someone in power has failed. If you can’t get someone to respond to your request, acknowledge your concern, or address your criticism, I use written communication as a means of poking the bear out of their sleep.

In the past (and perhaps the present), I have used email, physical letters, feedback forms, unsolicited, personally designed feedback forms (a personal favorite), Twitter, and my own performance reviews as a means of getting someone to pay attention to my concerns.

But in all these cases, my first attempts were always in person or over the phone.

Be lively on the dance floor and boring in your email, and your life will improve dramatically.

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