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Deep, scary, philosophical Star Trek thoughts.

Somehow a discussion about how the transporters work on Star Trek had me in an existential panic. Granted, this is easier to accomplish with me than most people, but still. This is both fascinating and a little terrifying, even if you’re not a Star Trek fan. 

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I don’t love Star Trek, but this most recent Star Trek TELEVISION SHOW is amazing.

I have never been a huge Star Trek fan. The writers of Star Trek had the entire universe at their fingertips, and yet again and again they placed their characters in places like the Old West, Nazi Germany and the goddamn holodeck. I don’t want to see cowboys and Germany soldiers. I want to “new…

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Spock versus Spock

I am not exactly a Trekkie. I’ve seen all the Star Trek films and many of the television series, but I have serious problems with the show. That said, this is one of the best commercials that I have ever seen. 

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