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Group descriptors

An unkindness of ravens, also sometimes referred to as a conspiracy of ravens

A crash of rhinos
A murder of crows
A pride of lions
A gaggle of geese

All great ways of describing a group of animals.

I recently heard a new one:

A gossip of women.

Sexist, I know, but there’s research to suggest that women who gossip are happier and healthier than their more discreet counterparts, so the descriptor is not entirely unfounded.

I’ve been trying to come up with equally good descriptors for which I can take credit. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

A gamble of poker players

A concern of mothers

A fumble of left-handers

A fistful of bullies

An argument of attorneys

A sadness of Atlanta Falcons fans

A frustration of golfers

Feel free to use any or all of them, but please be sure to adorn me with enormous amounts of credit, too. Shakespeare invented nearly 2,000 words and phrases in his time.

I’d like to invent at least a few.