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Choosing my resolutions for 2021, with your help.

With two weeks left in 2020, it’s time for me to plan my goals for 2021. It’s a process I’ve been doing since 2010, and though I’ve only managed to complete about 55% of my goals over the last decade, the selection of goals, monthly evaluation of progress, and public accountability has contributed significantly to my overall success.

In choosing my goals each year, I always solicit suggestions from family, friends, and readers. So here is your chance. If you know of a goal that I should work on in 2021, either because you know me and see room for improvement or have embraced a goal in the past that you think might benefit me, too, I’d love to hear from you.

Six of my 50 goals in 2020 were reader suggested, so I take this seriously.

Might I also suggest that you, too, begin thinking about goals for 2021?

I cannot tell you how valuable I have found this process to be in my life. Even with a 45% failure rate, the setting and monitoring of goals throughout the year has led to a more focused, more purposeful pursuit of things that are important to me. It’s helped me develop lifelong habits that have improved my quality of life. It’s improved my overall health and wellbeing.

The benefits have been enormous.

So think about setting some goals before the new year begins. Be specific in your definition of each one. Make them measurable and not reliant on the whims of another person. Find some means of holding yourself accountable on a regular basis.

Most of all, don’t be afraid to fail.

Relentless forward progress, even if you fail to cross the finish line, should be the ultimate goal.

I look forward to your suggestions.