Full body whiners
I don’t understand the ranting and raving over the airport’s full body scanners. Yes, they capture remarkably life-like images of your unclothed body, and yes, if you wish to avoid…
I don’t understand the ranting and raving over the airport’s full body scanners. Yes, they capture remarkably life-like images of your unclothed body, and yes, if you wish to avoid…
I have to admit that I have had similar concerns for my daughter.
Have you ever noticed that none of the CPR mannequins are female? Don’t you find the flat male chests a little too convenient when it comes to practicing actual CPR?…
Other than his invitation to students to rat out the perpetrator (anonymously, no less, which is always the most cowardly and despicable means of conveying a message), I kind of…
The advent of the self checkout line has diminished the already diminished reputation of the grocery store cashier. Imagine what it must feel like to be replaced by a barcode…
My daughter has begun to string together phrases and short sentences. Last week she asked Elysha is she could “Eat water?” When I picked her up from school today, she…
At a book appearance near my hometown, several of my high school friends graciously gathered to listen to me speak. After the event, half a dozen of us hung around…
I was asked to name my favorite book today. An impossible question if I ever heard one. Then I was asked to name my three favorite books instead. Also impossible, but I…
Last night’s dreams included: A dream in which I was back in high school, riding on the shoulders of my best friend as we sprinted across a grassy field. Holding…