My writing pals
On most early mornings, long before the sun rises, I sit at the dining room table and write. Sitting on the chair beside me are my two cats, Tobi and…
On most early mornings, long before the sun rises, I sit at the dining room table and write. Sitting on the chair beside me are my two cats, Tobi and…
I am often asked how a person can overcome stage fright. How do you beat back the overwhelming fear of standing in front of an audience in order to tell…
Fifteen years ago, I wrote about the Oxford English Dictionary's latest additions to their tome on this blog. I thought it would be amusing to review the list and my…
I am often asked how a person can overcome stage fright. How do you beat back the overwhelming fear of standing in front of an audience in order to tell…
Ted Gioia, on his Substack The Honest Broker, lists his "8 best techniques for evaluating character." It's a good list. My only strong disagreement is with his first one: 1.…
Women can now swim topless in swimming pools in Berlin, Germany. News outlets around the world widely reported on this development in one city in Germany, probably because a story…
A new review of Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life caught my eye because of the choice of adjectives used to describe me. Written…
As an elementary school teacher for 24 years, I have been asked for the spelling of a word thousands, of times. Every time I have been asked -- without exception…
I asked a friend - via text message - if he wanted to join my standup partner and me for an upcoming open mic night. He said he'd think about…
Every month I report the progress of my yearly goals in order to monitor progress (or the lack thereof) and hold myself accountable. The following are the results from…