Our favorite video of all time
Someone taught our two-year old daughter to dance, and it wasn’t us. In the midst of shopping with Elysha this weekend, the right song came on, and this happened. Where…
Someone taught our two-year old daughter to dance, and it wasn’t us. In the midst of shopping with Elysha this weekend, the right song came on, and this happened. Where…
My wife reacted similarly when I told her about my first book deal. I’ve been trying to make her cry ever since.
Sesame Street decides to portray poverty in an attempt to raise awareness and allow the impoverished and hungry children of America to feel recognized and validated and Fox News decides…
Ira is right. Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.
Redbook recently posited the importance of men telling women why they love them in a piece entitled 50 Weird Things He Loves About You. In the same week, The Wall…
Our little girl gets very anxious every time we read Are You My Mother to her. I guess that big, loud Snort can seem kind of scary.
This is hilarious, and I will certainly make a point of doing the same someday when my children discover the secret of Darth Vader. Better still, it makes me wonder…
My sister, Kelli, wrote the following for our brother-sister blog. Reading it made me both happy and very sad. It’s strange to discover how your sister felt about you twenty…
For the third time in the past month, someone has assumed that something I wrote on this blog pertained to them, and in all three cases, they were wrong. After…
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to convince my sister to write a blog with me that tells stories from our childhood from both perspectives. The purpose is threefold:…