My storytelling secret: I’m a small, frightened man onstage. Always.
I’m off to New York tonight to compete in another Moth StorySLAM. I have been exceptionally fortunate enough to win the last five StorySLAMs in which I have competed, including…
I’m off to New York tonight to compete in another Moth StorySLAM. I have been exceptionally fortunate enough to win the last five StorySLAMs in which I have competed, including…
My friend, who happens to be a physicist (so you know he’s smart) believes that women have a four degree comfort zone and men have a 20 degree comfort zone,…
I’m not complaining about having to stop for these geese, who were crossing from one side of the road to the other. It took less than a minute to allow…
I read a blog post today by author Jacquelyn Mitchard entitled 22 Things You Should Never Do Again After 50. I hate it so much. It is the anti-Dylan Thomas…
There are wigs for babies now. Designed for parents (mothers) who are tired of listening to strangers refer to their bald, baby girls with masculine pronouns, Baby Bangs seeks to…
I’m a dummy. A big, dumb, dummy dumb-dumb. There was a time, not so long ago, when I told my wife that one child was enough. I argued that our…
Hopefully, this is one of the most disgustingly gratuitous bar mitzvah entrances of all time. Right? Please tell me that it doesn’t get much worse than this. I can’t even…
Sometimes parents read the research on a subject and make informed parenting decisions. Other times they unintentionally, accidentally make a great parenting decision and, if they are like me, take…
Last night Red Sox pitcher Ryan Dempster threw four consecutive pitches at Alex Rodriguez. The first nearly hit him in the legs. The next two were tight inside. The fourth…
This satirical, snarky, occasionally condescending segment from The Colbert Show has given me heartfelt, legitimate hope for the country. It has caused me to question some of my assumptions about…