Speak Up Storytelling: Live Episode (Part One)
On episode #50 of the Speak Up Storytelling podcast, Matthew and Elysha Dicks talk storytelling and celebrate our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY IN OUR FIRST LIVE EPISODE!In our followup segment, we…
On episode #50 of the Speak Up Storytelling podcast, Matthew and Elysha Dicks talk storytelling and celebrate our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY IN OUR FIRST LIVE EPISODE!In our followup segment, we…
I can’t believe it. Star Wars nerds have actually won me over. I love Star Wars but have always found the overly-indulgent, obsessive nerds a little too much to handle,…
Sometimes I rail against something of great import:Our racist, incompetent, self-described sex offender of a President who puts children in cages and refers to Neo-Nazis as “very fine people,” for…
They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I hate this phrase. I hate it so much. I understand the sentiment: Good intentions do not always…
Exciting news! My book, Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling, is being used by professors at least half a dozen colleges and universities…
Here’s a crazy thing:Apparently I make noise while listening to stories. Elysha and I were driving home from a storytelling show recently. After each show, we run through the stories,…
It’s Mother’s Day. Elysha, the kids, and I are eating an excellent brunch at Big Daddy’s, a diner on the upper west side. We’re in the city to visit Elysha’s…
On episode #49 of the Speak Up Storytelling podcast, Elysha Dicks and I talk storytelling!In our followup segment, we hear from a linguist who tries to get me out of…
Back in 2011, researchers from Rice University and the University of Nebraska—Lincoln analyzed data collected from more than 5,000 couples in order to identify similarities among spouses and how much…
The Red Sox, World Series champions last year, were invited to visit the White House this week. About one-third of the team, including the manager, did not attend. The team…