Unfortunate restroom encounters at MIT
I was teaching storytelling at MIT yesterday. It was a long but exciting day. In addition to teaching two workshops, I received an amazing tour of their new nanotechnology facility,…
I was teaching storytelling at MIT yesterday. It was a long but exciting day. In addition to teaching two workshops, I received an amazing tour of their new nanotechnology facility,…
Credit Elysha Dicks for this gem:When you ask how long a play or musical runs, you should receive two distinct times from the usher:The actual running timeThe play or musical’s…
On episode #44 of the Speak Up Storytelling podcast, Matthew and Elysha Dicks talk storytelling!In our followup segment, we introduce the "new" new cover of my next novel, discuss a…
Elysha and I attended a play last night. I won’t mention the name because it wasn’t good, and I don’t want to publicly denigrate the effort and art of the…
Earlier this week, someone accused me of taking a position on an issue that I didn’t fully understand and suggested that I was acting like a blind man in the…
Henry David Thoreau offered this advice on regret:“Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and…
Remember the cover of my new book that most of you liked so much?It’s been changed. Twenty-one Truths About Love was received exceptionally well during the sales conference except for…
In cased you missed it, in just the last 24 hours, Donald Trump has:Told reporters that his father, Fred Trump, was born in Germany, which is not true. Fred Trump…
Each month I review the progress of my yearly goals and report on that progress as a means of holding myself accountable.Here are the results for March. __________________________________PERSONAL HEALTH1. Don’t…
On episode #43 of the Speak Up Storytelling podcast, Matthew and Elysha Dicks talk storytelling!In our followup segment, we talk about a moment on a Moth GrandSLAM stage and a…