A student wrote something that made me cry while reading it aloud. And thanks to the rules of my “Make your teacher cry” contest, my tears were caught on video.

For the past five years, I have offered a challenge to my fifth grade students: Write something that makes me cry. The contest was born from Sharon Creech’s Love That…

Continue ReadingA student wrote something that made me cry while reading it aloud. And thanks to the rules of my “Make your teacher cry” contest, my tears were caught on video.

23 jobs I seriously considered at one point in my life (and still do with a few exceptions)

Firefighter Attorney Clown Postal carrier Professional arm wrestler Bartender High school English teacher Standup comedian Minister Historian Waiter President of the United States Librarian Sociologist Sportswriter Therapist Behavioral economist Bookstore…

Continue Reading23 jobs I seriously considered at one point in my life (and still do with a few exceptions)

Why do I blog? Because it’s nearly led to national television, and it still might. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I’ve been blogging for over ten years now. Every single day for more than a decade, I have sat down and written something for a blog. Before this blog, there…

Continue ReadingWhy do I blog? Because it’s nearly led to national television, and it still might. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.