The consistently late are the scum of the Earth. Here’s a simple strategy to avoid being late in the future.

I’m a timely person. I’m timely because I think it’s rude to be late.  Even worse, I think it’s despicable for a person to be consistently late. The consistently late…

Continue ReadingThe consistently late are the scum of the Earth. Here’s a simple strategy to avoid being late in the future.

The Joyful and Effective Use of Condoms in the Latter Years of Life: My latest workshop

I’m hired from time to time to deliver talks and teach workshops on a  variety of topics. I’ve delivered inspirational speeches. Commencement addresses. I’ve hosted conferences and story slams. I’ve…

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Today I feel like a real author – which doesn’t happen often – and not for any reason that you might imagine.

I’m not sure if other authors feel this way, but most days, I don’t feel like a real author. Its ridiculous but true. I’ve published three novels – two with…

Continue ReadingToday I feel like a real author – which doesn’t happen often – and not for any reason that you might imagine.

I didn’t respond to a stranger’s unsolicited manuscript for 48 hours, so his angry response was probably justified. Right?

On Wednesday of this week, I received an email from someone who I don’t know. This is the entirety of his message, minus his name and the Word document that…

Continue ReadingI didn’t respond to a stranger’s unsolicited manuscript for 48 hours, so his angry response was probably justified. Right?