I love love love this, and I am choosing to believe this for now and forever more
Some theorists believe that the setting of Gilligan’s Island is not an island, but rather Hell, and that its sinful inhabitants all perished in the crash of the SS Minnow.
According to this theory, each character on Gilligan’s Island represents one of the Seven Deadly Sins. The millionaire Mr. Howell represents Greed, while his work-averse wife represents Sloth. Sexy movie star Ginger stands in for Lust, while innocent farm girl Mary Ann envies Ginger’s beauty and lifestyle. The smart Professor is prideful because he can’t admit that he is unable to fix the ship or get them off the island. Skipper, meanwhile, symbolizes two deadly sins: Gluttony and Wrath, because he’s always taking something out on poor Gilligan.
Not that you should feel bad for the titular dimwit; these fans believe that Gilligan represents Satan. He’s constantly screwing up the group’s plans for rescue, and what’s more, he’s always wearing red.