Megyn Kelly of “the very powerful” Fox News is an expert on Santa Claus according to Megyn Kelly. She’s also despicable, at least based upon her non-apology.
“For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white.” Wow. Though the Santa Claus who I grew up with was white, I have seen more than enough African-American…
A vision of the future?
Can’t you see them in another five or ten years, sitting beside one another, reading books or doing homework together? Or is this wishful thinking?
Stop the madness. Allow cell phone jamming technology inside movie theaters.
Software company Toluna QuickSurveys polled 2,000 adults from across the United States, asking them in an online questionnaire about less than savory behaviors. Included in the results was this: Nearly…
About to purchase a book from Amazon? Don’t. Do this instead.
I posted something similar to this (but with only 140 characters) on Twitter yesterday after doing almost exactly what I describe here. I suggest you do the same. About to…
Podcast launch is imminent. Ask your awkward, possibly inappropriate, socially unaware and cringe worthy questions now!
The equipment is sitting on the table, ready to go. The hosts (Elysha and I) are ready with lots to say. The producer is ready to… produce. Only a minor…
Dinner and dancing in the dining room
I’ve often said that my favorite thing in the world is to watch my wife dance, and this is still true. There is nothing I love more. But she has…
Possibly illogical and misplaced anger about non-disabled actors
Is it wrong for me to be annoyed, angered, even outraged at the idea of a non-wheelchair bound actor performing in a wheelchair bound role? I think it might be,…
This level of maturity is unacceptable.
Author Salman Rushdie tweeted the following on Sunday: I'm signing off Twitter for a while. Book to finish, etc. See you when it's done in a year or so. It…
We should constantly be looking to reinvent the wheel
“Why reinvent the wheel?” Whenever I hear this question (which is a lot), my response is always the same: “My wheel will be better.” “Why reinvent the wheel?” asks us…