Megyn Kelly of “the very powerful” Fox News is an expert on Santa Claus according to Megyn Kelly. She’s also despicable, at least based upon her non-apology.

“For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white.” Wow. Though the Santa Claus who I grew up with was white, I have seen more than enough African-American…

Continue ReadingMegyn Kelly of “the very powerful” Fox News is an expert on Santa Claus according to Megyn Kelly. She’s also despicable, at least based upon her non-apology.

Podcast launch is imminent. Ask your awkward, possibly inappropriate, socially unaware and cringe worthy questions now!

The equipment is sitting on the table, ready to go. The hosts (Elysha and I) are ready with lots to say. The producer is ready to… produce. Only a minor…

Continue ReadingPodcast launch is imminent. Ask your awkward, possibly inappropriate, socially unaware and cringe worthy questions now!