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13 things that make me happy

Former acquisitions editor Jennifer Pooley wrote a post on her blog entitled “13 things that make me happy.” Nothing on her list actually makes me happy (#1 comes the closest, but my creative process is slightly different), so I thought I’d write my own list.

Narrowing it down to just 13 items was impossible, so this by no means an exhaustive list. Just the first 13 things that came to mind.

I’d love to see your list if you’ be so kind as to include it in the comment section.

  1. Bluffing and winning a poker hand
  2. Snow days
  3. Ice cream for dinner
  4. A perfect approach shot
  5. Dancing with my wife
  6. Reading to my children
  7. Almost any Springsteen song
  8. Seeing one of my novels on the shelf of a bookstore
  9. A New England Patriots victory
  10. Telling a story to a live audience
  11. Watching my daughter experience pride from an accomplishment
  12. Breakfast
  13. Making my wife laugh