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Speak Up date announced!

Please mark your calendars!

Our next Speak Up storytelling event will take place on Saturday, September 28 at 7:00 PM at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT.

We are currently in the process of deciding if we want to change the format in any way. One thought is to add a storyteller to the program so that we have eight in all. Four before intermission and four after intermission.

We are also considering reducing the recommended time allotted to storytellers from ten minutes to eight minutes. As a storyteller myself and one who plans on telling a story that night, ten minutes is much more appealing than eight, but I also know that when you reduce the time allotted for storytellers, their stories tend to only get better.

Editing is a painful but powerful process.

This reduction in time will also allow us to better accommodate one more storyteller into the program.

If you have any thoughts about these proposed changes, please let us know.

In the next month or two, we will be releasing the theme of the evening and guidelines that will explain how to pitch a story to us. While we plan on inviting storytellers who we know to perform that night, we also plan on opening up the event to new storytellers as well.   

Lastly, if you attended our first event and took any photographs, could you please send them along to us? We have an audio recording of the evening that we will podcast as soon as that’s possible, but we have no images from our event. We’d love to get our hands on some if possible.
