Nothing’s impossible if your religion is based upon a miracles
I’m always amused when a God-fearing Christian woman informs me that she cannot get pregnant, as one did yesterday. Whether the woman is one hundred years old, celibate, or has…
I’m always amused when a God-fearing Christian woman informs me that she cannot get pregnant, as one did yesterday. Whether the woman is one hundred years old, celibate, or has…
I have a theory on teachers: People become teachers because they loved school and were exceptionally well behaved as children, or they were disappointed by school and behaved poorly. Those…
I saw a woman in the gym today with a tee-shirt that read: A friend will help you move… Then on the back of the tee-shirt, it read: But a…
Eight months after its release and it’s still nice to read a good review of SOMETHING MISSING by someone who is encouraging fellow readers to give it a whirl.
Slate’s Dear Prudence received this letter from a reader seeking advice: Dear Prudie, My mother-in-law is driving me crazy. My husband and I just found out that we are pregnant…
This afternoon, I was eating lunch with a colleague who has been teaching for almost forty years. She was telling us about some of her most memorable students from the…
I’ve often argued that the amount of sleep a person needs and his or her subsequent alertness is more a state of mind than actual physiology. Of course, this is…
I was in Subway yesterday, waiting patiently in line to order my roast beef on wheat, when the customer in front of me decided that it was time to act…
In the latest digital news related to SOMETHING MISSING and my writing in general, there are now applications available to iPhone and Android users who might be interested: First, and…
Still not the New York Times bestseller list, but SOMETHING MISSING was number 4 on last week’s bestseller list for Market Block Books in Troy, NY, alongside such heavyweights as…