“You can’t expect novel results without novel behavior.”

“You can’t expect novel results without novel behavior.”

Pretty good. Right?

It’s not mine, but I love it. It’s the the philosophy of every single cell in my body. The polarity of every atom that makes up me.

Essentially, it’s this:

If you love your life without reservation, don’t change a damn thing.

But if you’re even just a little dissatisfied… perhaps by just a smidgen, you’d better change something if you want things to improve.

Do something different. Try something new. Embrace novelty.

I’m a big proponent of novelty. I strongly support the exploration of new territory. The challenging of oneself. Daring to do the thing that frightens you most. I believe in addition by addition. Constant, continuous experimentation. The search for the next big thing.

Unless, of course, you’re absolutely happy and utterly satisfied with every aspect of your existence. If that’s the case, then simply hold the line.

I think the truth about human beings is that so many of us live lives of quiet desperation.

Also not mine, but I love this one, too.

We plod through our lives, wondering why our days can’t be better. Why our futures can’t be brighter. Why our dreams aren’t coming true.

Yet despite this persistent dissatisfaction, we don’t attempt to make any changes. We refuse to consider an alteration of course, a new frontier, or, in the parlance of the investing world, a possible bolt-on acquisition.

Instead, we hold the line, hoping for change that will never come.

You can’t expect novel results without novel behavior.

Yet so many people keep doing the same thing, day after day, year after year, waiting for something better to come along rather than doing the thing that might make our lives better.

If you’re as happy and satisfied as humanly possible, keep on trucking.

If not, do something different.