Three holes-in-one and a doctorate. Not a peep.

I have a friend who has been playing golf for about five years.

In that time, he has scored three holes-in-one. Not through blind luck, either. He’s already an excellent golfer.

Only one of my many other golfing friends has a hole-in-one as far as I know, and he played golf in college.

I had to find out about my friend’s first hole-in-one from someone else.

I had to find out about his second hole-in-one from someone else.

He told me about his third hole-in-one, but only after I complained about him already having two holes-in-one.

He said it to annoy me.

He’s also in possession of a doctorate degree which took more than a decade to find out about, both because he never told me and also does not use the title of Doctor.

If I ever scored a hole-in-one, I am quite certain that I would shout it from the rooftops of the world. I got two birdies in one round of golf the other day and considered alerting the local news stations. I would’ve rented out a billboard announcing my feat if Elysha had approved of the idea. If I had a giant space laser, I’d carve news of my accomplishment in the Moon.

If I had earned a doctorate, I certainly wouldn’t ask anyone to call me Dr. Dicks, but I’m not sure if I could spend a decade being someone’s friend without eventually mentioning it.

I think my friend may have come close to qualifying for the Olympics as a swimmer, too. I haven’t been able to nail him down on this.

This is all quite remarkable, particularly given the state of affairs today.

We once had a twice-impeached President who displayed fake Time magazine covers featuring himself in the clubhouses of his golf course. That same self-described sex offender repeatedly stated that he was once awarded Michigan’s Man of the Year, even though Michigan doesn’t have a Man of the Year award and he has never lived in Michigan. He also congratulated himself repeatedly for single-handedly defeating the coronavirus back in April of 2020. He lied about the size of his reality show audience, the ratings for his State of the Union addresses, and crowd sizes at his inauguration and rallies.

Worst of all, he reportedly cheats and lies on the golf course constantly. Many, many people have confirmed this. An entire book was written on the subject.

There’s nothing more impressive than an exceptionally impressive and accomplished human being living his life modestly and without fanfare. My friend, whose name I will not include because he wouldn’t want me to, is one of those people.

We need many more just like him.