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A rebuke of my own

United States bishops have approved a “teaching document” that may rebuke President Biden and other Catholic politicians who support abortion rights.

The rebuke may deny Biden communion.

For the record: President Biden is personally opposed to abortion but does not believe that he should impose that personal belief on others.

In response to the Catholic Church’s rebuke, I’m preparing my own “teaching document” to rebuke Catholic bishops on a few issues, including:

  1. The criminal perpetuation of decades of child molestation by priests and bishops of the Catholic Church
  2. The hateful, immoral bigotry that targets members of the LGBTQ+ community based upon a buffet-style approach to The Bible that allows church leaders to choose which Biblical rules must be followed and which ones can be easily ignored
  3. The perpetuation of a sexist patriarchy within the church that prevents women from rising to the highest levels of power

I understand that the Catholic Church vehemently opposes abortion. If I believed that human life began at conception, I might, too.

Nevertheless, based on the Catholic Church’s recent history and current policies of bigotry and sexism, rebuking the President for his position on abortion sure seems like a glass house and stone situation to me.

Get your own damn house in order before throwing stones at others.