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This does not look at all relaxing to me.

Whenever I see a photograph like this, of someone’s slippered feet, set atop a coffee table, adult beverage in hand, framed by the warm, orange glow in the fireplace, I can’t help but think:

“My God that looks boring.”

I know I’m in the minority here. I’ve seen enough of these fireplace-framed photographs of feet on Facebook to know that people genuinely enjoy sitting like this, or they at least want their friends and family to think they enjoy this kind of thing.

Or perhaps they’ve seen just as many of these photos on Facebook as I have and desperately want to be perceived as a fellow member of the slippered-foot, fireplace-framed herd.

Or maybe folks just think that this is what they’re supposed to do. As adults of a certain age who can legally drink wine and also own a functioning fireplace, maybe they believe that this is just what adults are supposed to do. They’ve seen enough of these images on television commercials and magazine advertisements and social media to genuinely believe that once you’ve reached a certain age, alcohol, flame, and idleness are the way of the proper grownup.

Just conduct a Google image search on words “fireplace feet” and you’ll discover tens of thousands of photos like this. Some with more than just one set of feet. Some in stockings instead of slippers. Some bare-footed. Occasionally these photographs are adorned by a Christmas tree or a cat.

But they’re basically all the same. Some number of lower extremities, framed by fire, designed to look cozy,.

It’s almost as if the photographing of one’s feet in front of the fire is at least as popular than the actual placing of one’s feet in front of the fire.

Again, I’m quite certain I’m in the minority here. Maybe the only one who thinks this looks like an absoluteIy dreadful way to spend an evening. It’s not unusual for people to want to relax, and a warm fire, a glass of wine, and a well framed photograph is probably very relaxing for many people.

I like to relax, too. I just prefer to relax by doing something.

I’m just a joy to be around.