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Things I Do #18: Narrating my life

I sat down in front of the camera in my studio and said, “When last we left our hero…”

My friend, Kaia, heard this and laughed.

It hadn’t really occurred to me, but I do this all the time. Whenever I return to a project – a book, a video. a pile of math tests in need of correcting, the next episode of The Simpsons – I re-establish myself mentally by uttering “When last we left our hero…” and thinking about what I was doing the last time I was engaged in the activity.

I’ve also been known to say, “To be continued…” and “What will our hero do now?”

Probably other phrases that I say so often that I don’t even notice anymore.

Narrating your life aloud?

Weird, I know.

Assuming that some unseen but everpresent audience is always listening and deeply interested?

Even stranger.

But also constant.