For my entire life, I have been ordering burgers from restaurants and asking them to hold their special sauce because — and I know this sounds obvious — I don’t know what is in their damn special sauce.
I don’t get it.
How are people ordering food with a sauce that’s only defined as special?
Not even a hint of what it might taste like?
No list of ingredients.
No indication of whether it’s spicy or sweet or anything in between?
The cheeseburger or chicken sandwich or pulled pork has a “special sauce,” and people just agree to blindly eat it, hoping that it doesn’t ruin the primary source of calories on their plate?
This makes no sense to me.
Are these mysterious special sauces so tasty that I have nothing to fear?
Is every special sauce really just as good as the next one?
Is it so special that its ingredients can simply remain a mystery?
This may be fine for most people, but I don’t get it. I care way too much about my burger to allow some random mystery sauce to be added.
No, thank you.