The school year never ends

It’s the last day of the school year for me. The strangest last day of school in my 21 years of teaching.

I just recorded and sent off my last morning meeting video to my students. I populated our online classroom with the reading and videos required for the day. I posted a daily attendance question. I finished my final bits of paperwork. Responded to two students assignments. Thanked a few parents for their thoughtful words.

Ready to close out the school year.

I’ll spend the morning meeting with students and teachers online, then I will head over to my school to see my students in real life for the first time in three months. I’ll return the contents of their desks and lockers to them, collect library books and musical instruments, and say goodbye.

My school year is nearly complete. One of the toughest of my career.

Then, at 6:55 AM, I received an email from a student that asked:

“How do you find the answer to one of the hardest decisions of your life? Please reply.”

Six minutes later, I received an email from a former student that asked:

“I need some help telling my parents something I know they don’t want to hear. Can you help me figure out what to say?”

Nothing like saving the toughest questions until the very last minute.