The devil’s music

I’m walking through the Minneapolis – St. Paul airport. I walk past a restaurant playing music loudly enough to filter into the concourse.

It’s 10:30 in the morning, so it’s an odd choice, but whatever.

The song is Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It.”

A beloved anthem from my youth.

As I pause to enjoy the song, a woman plows by, dragging two small boys by the wrists. As she hears the song, she barks, “Block your ears, kids. That’s the devil’s music!”

She’s serious. No joke. She’s not some walking-talking Onion article. She’s the real deal.

I want to point out that neither child can sufficiently block their ears while being dragged down the concourse by the wrists.

I also want to point out that “We’re Not Gonna Take It” is a fairly uplifting song. Quite inspiring, even. It encourages people to stand up for what they believe but doesn’t take a position on what to believe. It simply encourages the listener to be themselves.

Hardly the devil’s music.

I say nothing.

Instead, I quietly, gleefully imagine a future where the two boys rebel against the religious fanatism of their mother, embracing the meaning of Twisted Sister’s anthem and causing her to lose her mind in the process.