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My home state’s stupidly misspelled word, and some confusion about misspelling related to pornography

As a writer, teacher, and geography nerd, I was so excited about this map of America’s most misspelled words   Then I saw my home state of Connecticut’s most misspelled word (according to Google Trends):  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious So stupid. Every other state (except for West Virginia) gets an actual word that we use in everyday life, and…

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Unfair assumption #12: People who purchase and use amateur fireworks lack intelligence and do not value their fingers appropriately.

People who purchase and use amateur fireworks lack intelligence and do not value their fingers appropriately. This unfair assumption may have more to do with my fear of exploding objects, the typically unimpressive nature of amateur fireworks and the frequency at which amateur fireworks and alcohol are combined, but I don’t think so. Unfairly or…

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