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“Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand” born today!

My latest book, “Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand” publishes today!

My book’s birthday!

The book is a guide to using the power of storytelling to succeed in business of any type or size. It takes all of the wisdom that I have gleaned over the many years of performing on stages around the world and marries it to the decade of experience I have working with Fortune 100 companies Microsoft, Amazon, Johnson & Johnson, and Google, as well as smaller business, nonprofits, religious institutions, entrepreneurs, advertising agencies, colleges and universities, politicians, photographers, the FBI, and many more.

If you’re working in sales, marketing, branding, or advertising, this book is for you.

If you’re a business owner looking to grow your company, this book is for you.

If you’re a leader trying to better communicate and connect to customers, clients, employees, stakeholders, or potential investors, this book is for you.

I’ve worked with gold medal Olympians, Santa Clauses, magicians, Native American tribes, authors, comedians, and more, helping them to incorporate storytelling into the work they do, the messages they are trying to send, and the businesses they are trying to build.

The journey to writing this book is a remarkable and ridiculous one. Back in July 2011, I stood on a stage in New York City and told a story for The Moth, thinking it would be the one and only time I performed onstage. Instead, I have traveled the world, telling stories, performing standup, and delivering speeches of every kind to audiences large and small.

Two years later, in the spring of 2013, after performing at a charity event at a local synagogue, a man named Boris Levin, CEO of Mott Corporation, approached me and asked that I help him bring storytelling to the work he does. I told him that I didn’t think I could help him. I had no idea how storytelling might help someone in business.

But Boris convinced me to sit down with him and discuss the possibilities, and more than a decade later, I’m still working with Boris, helping him find and tell stories in his business.

That single conversation miraculously led to a career as a corporate and business consultant, working with clients around the globe on issues great and small. What began as a conversation over fruit punch has led to a career that has changed my life forever.

Just this past month, I’ve worked for five Fortune 500 companies, two nonprofits, a religious institution, and the FBI.

I often turn to Elysha and say, “This is crazy. Isn’t it?”

She wholeheartedly agrees.

All of this work has led to “Stories Sell” – a book that brings all of my experience and wisdom to the page (and the audiobook).

I hope you’ll give it a try.

Purchase it wherever you get books, but ideally, purchase it at your favorite indie bookseller. Booksellers and bookshop owners are the book angels of the world. They deserve your love most.

If you’d like to help my book become a success, you could do the following:

  1. Buy it! Purchase a multitude of copies, in any format you prefer. If you like audiobooks, I narrate this one myself.
  2. Please rate and/or write a review for the book and post it wherever you’d like. Ratings and reviews help others see my book more easily.
  3. Post about the book on social media. Take a photo of yourself, your loved one, or your cat reading the book. Place the book in fun and amusing places. Let your friends, family, and coworkers know that it exists.
  4. If you work in a place where this book might be well received, let people know about it. I already know of one company that is purchasing the book for their employees. If IBM would just agree to do the same, I could sell about 300,000 copies in one fell swoop!
  5. If you can’t find the book at your local bookshop, ask a bookseller to order a copy for you. This will increase the chances of them stocking it in the future.
  6. Attend my book launch party on June 15. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Eat, drink, and be merry along with me, Elysha, my kids, and fellow book lovers. Details here.

Any one of these things would be enormously appreciated.