Speak Up Storytelling: Lisa Ferguson

On episode #94 of the Speak Up Storytelling podcast, Matthew and Elysha Dicks talk storytelling!

In our follow up segment, we share a listener’s tip on digital whiteboards and discuss upcoming online events.

In our Homework for Life segment, I talk about working through a moment, seeking as many possible meanings as possible before settling on a story.

Next we listen to a story by Lisa Ferguson.

Amongst the many things we discuss include:

  1. Expressing big ideas in tiny moments
  2. Strategies for telling stories from childhood
  3. Process language
  4. The “less is more” nature of description and details
  5. Launching a story with stakes

Next Elysha answers a question about being married to Matt and a question about telling stories when specific moments are seemingly absent from the story.

Lastly, we each offer a recommendation.



  • Knives Out (film)
  • Saturday Night Live At-Home episode (04.11.2020)


  • John Krasinski’s “Some Good News”



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