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Sleepy comedy

I’ve been writing SNL sketches in my sleep for the past three nights. By writing, I mean dreaming that I was writing the sketches but awakening with the concept and dialogue for each sketch fully formed in my mind.

This has been far more productive than the bowls of cereal that I often eat while sleepwalking but not nearly as productive as the 500 words of fiction that I once wrote while sleepwalking.

Those 500 words can still be found in my most recent novel The Other Mother.

Still, writing comedy in my sleep is a good way to spend those frustrating hours that I’m forced to spend in bed, prone and unconscious.

At least two of the skits are very good, I think. All are serviceable.

Do you think it’s too late for me to get a writing job on Saturday Night Live based upon ten years of storytelling, a dozen stand up sets, and a handful of comedy sketches written in my dreams?