I am teaching the better half of four sets of twins in my class this year.
“The better half” because I always like my students best.
As a teacher who has taught many twins in my career, I am keenly aware of how often they mention birth order:
The oldest, sometimes by just a minute or two, often lords their age over the younger twin.
Enter one of the cleverest mothers on the planet.
I met this mother of twins years ago who refused to reveal the birth order of the twins to them or anyone else, thus eliminating the mindless, droning, incessant nonsense surrounding which twin is older.
This also eliminated any possible influence birth order might have on the child’s development.
She told her twin children that she would reveal their birth order when the twins turned 18, adding the joy of suspense and surprise to the mix.
They had something to look forward to, nearly two decades in the making.
I love this idea so much.
Elysha and I don’t have twins. At one point, we hoped for them, but a day spent with our friends Charles and Justone, who had newborn twins, convinced us otherwise.
Those boys turned out to be delightful young men, but those first couple of years looked like hell.
But had Elysha given birth to twins, I would’ve employed this undisclosed birth order strategy and loved every minute of it.
Keeping children in suspense is always fun.
Eighteen years of suspense would be amazing.