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Simple and annoying

I spend much of Saturday walking around without a coat,. It was sunny with temperatures in the mid 40’s and a light breeze, but I had exercised earlier and was still running warm when I left the house, so no jacket or coat.

Just a tee shirt.

In the span of less than three hours, three people asked me why I wasn’t wearing a jacket.

One stranger, one acquaintance, and one friend.

None of them asked in a way that sounded worried or concerned for my wellbeing. All three sounded annoyed. Angry, even.

Curious about this odd turn of events, I repeated the experiment on Sunday – tee shirt and jeans – on an even warmer day, and once again had two people ask me why I wasn’t wearing a jacket.

Both were people who know me fairly well. Once again both seemed slightly annoyed by my bare arms and exposed torso.

I’m not sure why people would be so concerned over my choice of outwear, but I discovered something rather interesting over the course of this weekend:

I have a new and simple way to annoy people.
