Resolution update: February 2025

Every month, I record my progress on my yearly goals to hold myself accountable and occasionally seek help and advice from readers willing to offer insight, ideas, and solutions.

Here are my results from February.


1. Don’t die.

One of my students accidentally kicked her shoe off into my head, but I survived.

2. Lose 10 pounds.

I gained nine pounds in 2025, primarily due to a lot of excellent eating while on vacation in Palm Beach and a lack of exercise during that time. Then, I promptly lost those nine pounds and one more.

So I’m down one pound so far in 2025, but it feels like a lot more.

3. Do a targeted push-up workout at least four times per week. 


4. Complete 100 sit-ups four times per week. 


5. Complete three one-minute planks four times a week.


6. Cycle for at least five days every week. 

I completed 22 rides in February — another lower-than-usual number for me. Traveling to Florida for four days and performing in New York City and Boston following work kept me off the bike as much as I’d like.

Still, I managed five rides per week except for the week of vacation.

7. Try at least three new vegetables I have never eaten before or do not like. 

No progress. Does anyone want to suggest a vegetable?

8. Get a DEXA Scan and VO2 Max test at least once in 2025.

Local facility identified. Appointment will likely happen in the summer.

9. Lower my handicap to 19.9. 

I took three golf lessons in February, and my progress is excellent. We are breaking down my swing quite a bit, but yesterday’s lesson showed exceedingly positive results.

Snow and ice on the ground kept me from playing the game.


10. Complete my eighth novel.

No progress.

11. Write, edit, and revise my golf memoir.

No progress.

12. Write my “Advice for Kids” book.

Solid progress.

13. Write/complete at least three new picture books, including one with a female, non-white protagonist.

No progress.

14. Write about my childhood in partnership with my sister, Kelli, at least once per month. 

No progress.

15. Write a new solo show.

Work continues. I have an outline of the show and am now working on the actual stories, jokes, and transitions.

16. Submit at least three Op-Ed pieces to The New York Times for consideration.

No progress.

17. Write at least four letters to my father.

No progress.

18. Write 150 letters.

A total of 20 letters were written in February to students, the parents of students, museum staff, and clients,

A total of 58 letters have been written in 2025 so far.

19. Write to at least six authors about a book I love. 

No progress.


20. Launch a new Homework for Life app.

Excellent progress, thanks mainly to my digital wizard partner in this project. We worked on final design decisions in February, and the building of the thing has begun.

I can’t wait.

21. Record and publish at least 25 videos to my YouTube channel.

Three new videos were posted to my newly re-branded YouTube challenge in February.

Subscribe here.

22. Perform a new solo show.

Dates have been locked in: May 4 and 5 at TheaterWorks in Hartford.

Save the date! Tickets on sale soon!

23. Revise my free Storyworthy Academy.  

Done. Thanks primarily to the work of my partner and production manager, we have an outstanding free academy for anyone who wants to learn more about storytelling.

Check it out at

24. Record and produce at least three new Storyworthy courses.

Courses have been determined. Recording begins soon.

25. Produce a total of six Speak Up storytelling events in 2025.

I produced a Speak Up show in collaboration with Yale Univerity at District in New Haven on February 7.

We have now produced two shows in 2025:

  • January 11 at the Connecticut Museum for History and Culture.
  • February 7 at District in New Haven.

Our next show is slated for May.

26. Submit pitches to at least three upcoming TEDx events, hoping to be accepted by one.

No progress.

27. Attend at least eight Moth events with the intention of telling a story.

I did not attend a Moth event in February. Travel kept me from one of my favorite places in the world last month.

So far, I’ve attended one Moth event in 2025.

28. Win at least one Moth StorySLAM.

No progress. I have yet to take the stage at The Moth this year.

29. Win a Moth GrandSLAM.

I had to pass on February’s GrandSLAM invite. I will be on a plane during the show.

No progress thus far.

30. Pitch “You’re a Monster, Matthew Dicks” or my new show to six theaters in 2025. 

No progress.

31. Produce at least 24 episodes of our podcast Speak Up Storytelling.

No progress.

32. Perform stand-up at least six times. 

No progress in Feburary,.

I’ve performed stand-up once in 2025.

33. Pitch three stories to This American Life.

No progress.

34. Submit at least three pitches to Marc Maron’s WTF podcast.

No progress.

35. Send a newsletter to readers at least 50 times. 

Eight newsletters were sent in February — to my Storyworthy community.

I’ve sent 16 newsletters in 2025.


36. Organize the basement.

A smidgen of progress. Some additional items have been thrown away.

36. Clear the garage of unwanted items.

Negative progress was made as my family managed to add items to the garage that don’t belong.

37. Replace our backyard shed.

No progress.

38. Get the hardwood floors refinished.

No progress.


39. Travel to Europe.

Waiting on possible tour dates to Australia and Portugal before we finalize European dates.

We’re also traveling to Canada in April, so we must finalize those vacations first.

40. Text or call my brother or sister once per month. 

Done. The texts were short and pathetic, but they happened!

41. Bring my brother, sister, and me together at least twice in 2025.

No progress.

42. Take at least one photo of my children every day.

Except for days when I was away and unable to take the photograph, done.

43. Take at least one photo with Elysha and me each week.

Done! Two months in a row! Real progress for me.

44. Plan a reunion of the Heavy Metal Playhouse.

No progress.

45. I will not comment positively or negatively on the physical appearance of anyone except my wife and children to reduce the focus on physical appearance in our culture overall.


46. Surprise Elysha at least 12 times.

I surprised Elysha twice in 2025:

I sent flowers to Elysha six days after Valentine’s Day. We were flying to Florida on February 14, so I didn’t want to send flowers that she could not enjoy, so I sent them after we had returned to work the following week.

I also gave her a gift of some clever and amusing office supplies — including clear Post-it notes and an eraser in the image of a man who goes bald as you use the eraser — that I held back for a day when I thought she could use a tiny boost.

Surprises in 2025 thus far:

  1. A surprise birthday party on January 4
  2. Post Valentine’s Day flowers
  3. Clever and amusing office supplies

47. Play poker at least six times.

No progress.

48. Spend at least six days with my best friend of more than 30 years.

No progress.


49. Memorize the lyrics to at least five favorite songs. 

No progress.

50. Practice the flute at least four times per week.

No progress. I’m an idiot.


51. Host at least three dinner parties where I cook.

No progress.

52. Develop a course on self-confidence. 

Progress continues. Strategies are being collected, an instructional outline is being developed, and I’m interviewing people for thoughts and ideas.

53. Develop a list of strategies to help people deal with loneliness and produce it in some form.

Progress continues. I am collecting strategies and talking to many people about their possible efficacy and any additional ideas.

54. Read at least 12 books.

I read one book in February:

“Simply Said” by Jay Sullivan

I’m currently reading:

”Miracle and Wonder” by Bruce Headlam and Malcolm Gladwell
“Revenge of the Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell

Books read so far in 2025:

“Unreasonable Hospitality” by Will Guidara
“Schtick to Business” by Pete McGraw
The Humor Code” by Pete McGraw
“Catching the Big Fish” by David Lynch
“Simply Said” by Jay Sullivan

55. Finish reading TIME’s 100 Best Children’s Books of All Time

No progress in February.

I’ve read five additional books in 2025, bringing my total to 44 total books read off the list.

56. Edit our wedding footage into a movie of the day.

No progress. 

57. Digitize a pile of DVDs that contain dance recitals, plays, and other assorted moments from the past.

I’ve assembled the material. It’s still sitting in an annoying pile on my desk.

58. Memorize three new poems.

I’m currently memorizing “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost.

I’ve memorized “This is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams.

59. Post my progress regarding these resolutions on this blog and social media on the first day of every month.
